Danielle has compiled some information that she's happy for us to share with you all, to help you with organising your own kids' colour party!
'Yes, yes, yes! This was our first attempt at a Colour Powder event of any kind, and it was AWESOME! Kids LOVED it. Parents LOVED it. There’s no way we can top this. It’ll have to be a birthday party tradition from here on out!
Here’s our experience, what we did, and our recommendations for anyone else looking to throw (literally) a kids colour powder party!
I was nervous & careful to try plan out an itinerary that would ease 30+ young 5 year olds into the powder (for fear that powder in the eyes & mouth could just lead to a lot of crying and upset children)! It all worked out brilliantly, and although there was the odd tear or two, overall everyone enjoyed it.
The colour powder from @theministryofcolours was an absolute winner
Little hands keen to get involved
The recommended volumes (we had 21x 1kg bags of powder - 3 of each colour, and 35x 100g packs - 5 of each colour) was spot on! I thought it was going to be way too much when it arrived, and I was going to save the individual bags, but we used it all in the end. It was the perfect quantity for our party size.
A few days before the party I made hacky sacks of colour powder using a cup and tights (cut and tie each leg of the tights into two sections). These worked well as the kids could handle the powder and begin to get ‘rainbowed’ before loose powder was coming straight at them! I used up 7 of the 21 1kg bags to make up approx 20 hackys, and also 12 squeeze bottles (poured via a funnel).
Hacky sack attack!
The hacky sacks lasted AGES! You could pick them up and sling them about over and over again. I really recommend them for getting creative with the games and activities you plan and play.
The squeeze bottles were good for a ‘cloud’ effect, but a lot of their little hands found it difficult to squeeze. I’d use them again for older kids, but 5 year olds found these tricky.
I’d planned out a list of games, starting off with some classic party dance songs to hype them back up after sitting down for food (definitely want to do party food before things get messy). The idea was to the play dodgeball with the hacky sacks to start; with parents throwing the hackys at the children, but it quickly turned into an all out war… and the kids won.
The perfect colour cloud
Safe to say they were all perfectly comfortable with the powder, so it was a green light for the rest of the activities! Some of the hackys were later used as sock weapons against the parents, so what few weren’t already empty, we collected in.
After dodgeball we moved onto an obstacle course. I’d marked out 7 different stations for each of the 7 colours, and asked a couple of parents to be at each one. Each station had a 1kg bag of colour and two small tubs (little bowls or cups would also work) so parents could throw some colour at them as they did each activity (we did hurdles, hula hoops, stepping stumps, trampoline, trapeze swings, slide, and limbo stick). Halfway through I went round to top up the stations with powder, giving out the last of the 1kg bags.
Red-dy, set, GO!
After the obstacle course I took a moment to remind everyone of the flannels & drinks station if they needed them, and then we moved onto the colour squeeze bottles. One thing I knew was a must, after attending a colour run the weekend before, was that we needed a decent drinks station where people could help themselves to as many drinks as they needed throughout.
I’d planned more games than we actually needed for the 2 hours as the kids were quite happy just running wild throwing powder at each other. We did a round of ‘Musical Squeezers’ (when you music stops, if your holding the bottle you squirt it into the air), which they all enjoyed, but the other games that we didn’t get round to, I’ll list further down below.
Finally we handed out the individual bags, helped to open them all, and reminded them to wait to throw the colour (which I was surprised they all listened to). I put on our chosen finale song, waited for the music tension to build to the crescendo, had them all duck down ready to jump… 3, 2, 1, and party!!!!
What a brilliant birthday party!
🌈 It looked so fantastic, I really was so impressed with how well the large group of 5 year olds did at timing and getting the powder to fly upwards - it was brilliant!
After the final throw of powder, they rummaged for anything left in bags, hackys, bottles, and off the ground for a final war of colour.
We then sung the ol’ ‘Happy Birthday’ with cake as a final song to finish off the party before everyone headed off.
A lot of parents have commented on how brilliant it all was and how much fun they had, never mind the kids! Tidying up after the guests left was a lot easier than expected also; the empty bags and pots were easily gathered up, and we ended up pulling out the slip’n’slide for our kids; hosed them off before they went in the house. Conveniently it rained the next day to rinse off the majority of powder in the garden, but the remaining powder we’ve left as this will all fade and go with the next wet weather.'
A huuuuge thank you to Danielle for putting this together for us, an amazing effort organising such a fun birthday party for so many children to enjoy. Core memories were definitely made😍
We supplied colour powder bags in 100g and 1kg sizes, personalised t-shirts, sunglasses, headbands and wristbands for each child - we offer an array of accessories to ensure each child is fully kitted out for the party!
If you're interested in organising your own colour party, get in touch at hello@ministryofcolours.com